Hi! My name is Anmol
I am a robotic engineer.

Anmol Modur

I am a


year old, adventure seeking, out-of-the-box creative, problem solving enthusiast.

I love everything from math to science and engineering with a strong passion for robotics. I got my BS in Electrical Engineering (Robotics) at RIT in 2019 my MS in EE in 2020 there aswell.

I enjoy learning and pushing my creativity to explore possibilities I don't think exist yet. As a hardware engineer, I see the elegance in how simple solutions are often the best. As an entrepreneur, I understand why decisions need to be made for the greater benefit of the business. As a software developer, I see how to enhance the experience and capabilities of the hardware. Perspective is the key to understanding.

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Personalize Shopping Experience with Glasses

  • Glasses track eyes in real time
  • Uses computer vision to scan barcodes
  • Updates mobile app showing product info

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

George Bernard Shaw
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Blind Spot

Find Your Slot

  • Uses computer vision and ML to identify parking spaces
  • Updates mobile app
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Smart home device aggregation integrated with machine learning

  • Learn Trends on useage of smart home devices
  • Control them to save energy
  • Set up time schedules to automate them
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Make Moves

Put your best foot forward and run smart

  • Idea brainstorm of a smart insole
  • Collects bio-metric data and is able to process it
  • Hope was to understand the human body through the foot
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Saving energy using Wind technologies

  • Website to map out wind patterns
  • Helps find places to install wind turbines for energy harvest
  • Helps conservationists understand wind patterns in local areas
Just Do it
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Head Smart

A smarter way to commute

  • Created a wireless helmet with safety features and turn signals
  • Gives navigation through haptic feedback
  • SOS alerts on crash

Let's go!

An app that plans your vacation, Now!

  • Plans an entire trip starting 6hrs from when you press the button on the site
  • Books ubers, airfare, restaurants, plans events at the location,
  • Removes the hesitation in planning a trip
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Swarming search areas to save lives at record speeds

  • Assists in firefighting by giving another set of eyes
  • Built a drone that is easy to deploy
  • Can work with other drones to form a swarm
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Powerglove 2.0

Get your power back

  • A glove to assist arthritis patients with perfoming hand excercies
  • Records finger movements and syncs to phone
  • Ensures hand excercises are effective and makes it fun
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Hurry on and get off that nicotine

  • A simple website to help reduce nicotine addiction
  • User inputs how much they smoke every day
  • Easy to print reports for doctors